With our legs brittle from the day before we checked out of our luxury motel (some level of sarcasm, yes), grabbed a quick bite from the Vancouver Street Cafe and then drove west. Castle Rock was on the cards, but reviews suggested (yes I read reviews for hikes) that it was a 2 hour hike, so it was scrapped. It's on the to-do list. Gives me an excuse to come back and hike Bald Head again!

First stop, but not first time was Ocean Beach View, south of Denmark. Last time I visited, it was just as windy, overcast and incredibly grey, this visit was no different.

Waterfall Beach, Elephant Rock and Greens Pool are all in relative proximity just west of Denmark.

Waterfall Beach, not very exciting and even though we visited at the cusp of winter, no waterfall in sight. I did a little research and found the waterfall to be a bit of a trickle, didn't really miss out, but the beach was quite pleasant.

Elephant Rock was a bit more of a treat. Great for climbing over, good fun, definitely my favourite of the three, and we'll ignore the moment I was chased off the rock my a seagull.

Greens Pool was the busiest spot. It seems the most popular, but I didn't really explore a lot of it.

The first time I was in Albany, and every time we drove west we passed a sign for Conspicuous Cliff. Oh how we laughed and made jokes about how obvious it must be. This time, curiosity got the better of me. It was worth it.

conspicuous isn't it?

We stopped for a quick dirty lunch in Walpole. Generally speaking I would choose Denmark over Walpole for food, but it did the job and kept us going. The rest of the trip to Margaret River was quite the enjoyable drive. Autumn colours, excellent roads, oh and Pemberton. Never been before, but what a stunning place!

Dinner was at Morries in Margaret River, delicious food, but turning into a more tapas menu everytime I go. Disappointed there was no steak dish.