On Tuesday 30th October I set off early to Serpentine Dam where the Road Race and Time Trial events for the XVII Australasian Police & Emergency Services Games 2018. Bit of a mouthful, but AP&ES for short.

The criterium event for the games had already taken place on the Sunday when I was working, but Tuesday was my chance to check out the cycling event, more importantly as the official event photographer.

My friend Louise was the sports coordinator for the Road Race, and was very much involved in the Time Trial too, as it shared a similar course. First thing was the time trial, which set off from the car park on the south side of Serpentine Dam.

Bicycles were launched in minute intervals south from the dam.

Competitors cycled past the Karnet Prison farm and then turning at Scarp Road.

All cyclists then concluded the route just prior to reaching the Dam, crossing the line after cycling 25km.