In my short time experiencing sport photography I’ve learned some crucial lessons. Races are easy, team sports are not. Cycling is easiest of all, being a cyclist as well I know how little room there is for manoeuvring at speed, so when taking photos, you can predict the line, even when something unpredictable happens you’re likely to capture it. When it comes to team games like Football or Netball, the action is everywhere. The temptation is to stick to the ball, but sticking to the ball means all the shots are late, so you do your best to guess where its going.

Add to that, the competition was indoors, under fluorescent lighting, with very little room to manoeuvre. The 70-200mm F2.8 my preferred sports lens did a good job but I did find myself switching to the wide lens when covering the goal. It was definitely a new experience for me that also make me want to buy some knee pads!