A slow start, but after a 2 hour delay to our expensive budget flight with RyanAir we arrived in Budapest.

I was in Budapest in September 2011 for a stag do with some friends from Manchester, but this time was different. This time my visit is the starting point of a 16 day round trip around the Balkan States & Croatia with best friend John.

As soon as we arrived we were able to check in to the Star Inn Hotel. A cute 3 star budget hotel with the necessary amenities for a single night stay with an unimpressive but safe buffet breakfast.

We managed to grab lunch at the nearby Bisztró Most. A restaurant nestled between two 6 story residential blocks where we both opted for the sausage dish.

After lunch, with only 2 hours before our meeting with fellow travellers and travel organisers G Adventures, we decided to go explore. With the short time frame we managed to quickly see St. Stephen’s Basilica.

We then crossed onto the west side of the river by the Széchenyi Chain Bridge. Heading north afforded us spectacular uninterrupted views of the Hungarian Parliament Building on the east side of the river.

Returning via the bridge spanning Margaret Island we made the meeting in time and were acquainted to group CEO Zoran, and as a group went out for dinner at Korhely Faloda & Dalod.

Jumping into taxis the next morning at 7am we headed to the Budapest Train Station and embarked on our 7 hour train journey to Novi Sad, Serbia. The journey was mostly farmlands, floodplains, trains, and sleeping. All whilst travelling backwards in my seat.