I was going to go with a much more regular title like 'bumbling around Cambridge' or 'Cambridge giraffes', after all, I do like being direct. But seeing as the whole thing already has a title, so be it.

So, part of my journey to the UK, I've stopped in Cambridge and on a plan free day like today I stumbled across the Cambridge events magazine and a section called Standing Tall. Cambridge doesn't usually need an excuse to showcase art around the city, but this one has a back story.

There's a local charity called Break that supports young people in their transition from living in care to embracing independent living. So, businesses sponsor Giraffe related art pieces which eventually get auctioned off to raise money to support young care leavers and their journey towards independence.

"Anne of Green Gables"

by Sally Adams #TheDuckorator

on St Johns Street

If you go to the tourist information centre or the mobile one at the market square they will provide a map for a $1 voluntary donation, or you can buy the app for something like GBP1.99

"Grandifolia Camelopardalis"

by Lois Cordelia

just a little further up the road


by Charlie Stafford

and while walking around Cambridge looking at giraffes was the goal, you can't not take photos of Cambridge being Cambridge.

"The Theory of Everything"

by Alice O'Shea

Did I mention the pop-up tourist information centre at the Market Square?

"Carat" by David Bland

"Find New Perspective"

by Rebecca Morledge

There were also a bunch more in the Grand Arcade Shopping Mall

"Nelson Mandala" by Sonia Perkin-David


by Kevin Baumber


by Dinky Doors

"Gina Giraffacts"

by Anne-Marie Miller

"Riley - The Rights Respecting Giraffe"

by Swavesey Primary School

"Go Wild" by Illiona Clark

Apparently the display continues until 2nd June and there are 30 big Giraffes and lots of little ones to find.