Given the choice between Perth Zoo and Caversham Wildlife Park, I'd pick the latter every day of the week, but I do like both, which is why I've now been to the Zoo twice and Caversham three times.

I would also pick going to either of them during the week every day of the week. I mean, midweek. Here are four photos to prove we were there. Including a amazing/horrifying 4 Louise heads.

Contrary to the Zoo, the species at Caversham are from all around Australia. If you time it right, you can meet wombat and friends for some personal encounter with placid birds and other emotional critters. They did tell us Wombat's name, but I've forgotten, sorry Mr Wombat. I know its Mr because of his gigantic testicles!

Walk round the corner from the Wombat Party and you get to enjoy some farm animal, and farm animals enjoying each other. Whatever that means.

Once we finished the sideshows, the big sell for Caversham is the kangaroo park in the middle, offering everyone a chance at feeding and hanging out with the kangaroo gangs. Unfortunately it also gives people the chance to take selfies and be the absolute worst.

Outside of all this, I actually really enjoyed taking photos with the newest lens, the Canon RF 70-200mm f/4 lens. It replaced the older Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8, which was faster, longer and heavier, but pairing the Canons together has really impressed me. The shots are superbly sharp.

Enjoy a selection!