The last time I visited Club Med Bali was with my parents and sister in October 1990. Visiting a Club Med on the annual holiday became a bit of a tradition, but this is the first time I've been back to one in decades.

It hasn't changed much, but I think that's part of the appeal. It worked well back then, it still works now.

I made sure to take some evening shots when we arrived;

On the day that we were leaving, we woke up nice and early (something like 5am) to watch the sunrise. In true tradition of course, we managed to score a cloudy sunrise.

We had a quick walk around waiting for breakfast to start, but then once the sun rose above the clouds we actually had some decent photos down by the beach.

While we were there, my mum, back in the motherland managed to dig up some photos from our last time in Bali.

We checked out, went to the airport, luckily our flights were an hour apart...but saying goodbye always sucks.

That officially brings the amazing tour of south east Asia to a close, until next year... I heard rumours it's going to be epic.