We spent the night in Norwich, followed by the obligatory breakfast at Cafe Nero (this is a common theme when travelling with my father), we drove north to the Norfolk seaside to a place called Cromer.

Cromer is a great little seaside town. Me managed to get there by 9am and it wasn’t great weather. A bit grim I suppose, and pretty deserted. We walked on down towards the pier, clearly the main attraction and enjoyed running into only a handful of people.

We walked onto the pier which gave a great view of the shoreline.

By lunch time the place was heaving. The sun had come out and all the holiday makers with it. We walked into town and straight up the tower of Cromer Parish Church. Great views up there.

We walked back in-land, enjoyed a strange lunch at the RNLI Cafe. We thought it fitting to try and get a crabby lunch, as we were in Cromer. We did, but it was a little disappointing. It did give me a chance to get a couple photos up high on the balcony of the building after lunch though.

We headed back to the car, but not before my father insisted on a round of putting. Needless to say there was a lot of trash talking going on. I won the game, but really the winning was the bloody good time I was having.