Just a short, in between blog post. Partly because of a slight mix up in planning. So a few weeks ago, Louise and I set off for Harvey Dickson in Boyup Brook to go see the Harvey Dickson Rodeo and Country Music Festival, minus the country music because that was sold out pretty quickly.

The Music Centre is a good 2.5hrs away from Perth, so of course we were delighted to find out when we arrived that this was not a standard rodeo day, but actually the kids rodeo day, and that the actual rodeo was going to be the next day. This explained the ease of getting a parking space and the lack of security preventing us from entering the free event.

Controversially we decided to leave straight away, go for a bit of a sight seeing tour in the area, so that we could return the very next day for the actual event. Our first stop was at the Boyup Brook Visitors Centre.

We asked them what there was to see and found out that there was apparently an excellent teapot museum. It was even endorsed by a couple of aged tourists. I’ve never been to a teapot museum and that record still stands to this day.

There is a room at the back of the tourism office containing a creepy, sorry I mean Kradals doll collection, plus a massive beetles and butterfly collection… and a door sign that said ‘no escape’. Luckily it wasn’t the only door to the room, and if you follow the light towards the front of the store you’ll see quite the selection of quality souvenirs all from local vendors.

Given the title of the blog post, our next stop was in Gnomesville. I have been before, about 5 or so years ago, then there was a big flood in the area a couple of years ago, washing most of the gnomes down the street. Honestly, I don’t really notice the difference, its basically a wooded area, with lots of gnomes.

Next stop was the Wellington Dam and it’s newly installed mural. I’ve seen plenty of posts about the place, so as we were in the area, we had to pop in. There’s a small car park , not fit for purpose, at the base of the dam, clearly the more popular section, then there is also an elevated lookout further up the hill. There’s also a block of toilets, which is one more toilet than Gnomesville.

View from the Wellington Dam Lookout area.