What started off as an intention for Rowan, Nathan and I to go to Alton Towers, Thorpe Park and Thetford Forest ended up being a plan to go to Duxford. Partly because Rowan and I had been irresponsible by going on an impromptu night out in the vibrant town of Huntingdon. Yes, there may be some sarcasm in there.

We met up Nathan at the Maypole for some energy inducing J2Os (haven’t seen them in Oz), then continued on wards to Duxford.

The last time I went to Duxford was in 2009 when I had my Sony A300. I went with Nathan. Here’s a Duxford before and after.

Nathan 2009 on Sony A300

Nathan 2016 on Canon EOS 60D

I’m not sure what I’m comparing, cameras or Nathans.

Duxford itself hasn’t changed at all. There were signs that it had, but apart from a few post 9/11 installations, nothing had changed.

There was the main hall;

Which still has the third ever Concorde. A test model, but still pretty amazing to look at.

We headed over to the lunch place. I feel bad for forgetting its name, but the food was pretty forgettable. They win the record for serving food in record time, still there was some eye candy.

We were running short on time so headed directly to the American Air Museum. B1 Bombers, Stratofortress’, Mustangs, Hueys, Phantoms, Warthogs. I used to be a military aircraft nerd so, I loved this part.

Randomly, always having seen it before but never understood it, there was an item from an Iraqi super weapon. The part being a segment of the barrel from the mega artillery piece. Always makes for good photographing.

With less than an hour before close we went over to the Land Warfare Hall. A nightmare for low ISO photographers without a flash. Tanks and stuff.

Having stayed past closing, we had to take the invalid bus back to the entrance, where I bought a magnet and called mum to tell her I was going to be late.