Seven years ago, when my parents last visited Australia and we all decided to travel to the Margaret River Region, we did visit the Eagles Heritage Raptor Wildlife Centre and really enjoyed it. That’s about the end of it. Excitedly, I visited again very recently and it was very disappointing.

Entry was $18 each, and basically nothing has changed about the place. The paths are the same, its still quite overgrown, the same areas are still under development and…the birds look sadder on account of the tiny cages they live in, giving them opportunities to just hover and not really fly.

I asked the owners what was going on with the ‘Interpretation Module’ which appeared to be broken since last time I visited. She said ‘we can’t seem to get anyone down from Perth to repair the video equipment’. Well, if you haven’t been able to in 7 years, you should probably give up. Video equipment is so niche after all…

Of course, the birds as sad as they are, are the heroes of the show, so here are some photos.