A the start of December, at the end of 2018 I found myself in a 5 day road trip, from Exmouth back to Perth, sleeping in a different bed each night. Even though it was a work trip, I did see it as a chance, having never been north of Kalbarri, to explore the north and figure out if it was worth going back for a closer look.

Our plane due to take us to Exmouth

So on the first day, we flew from Perth to Exmouth's Learmonth Airport. The airport is a zero hassle, single gate airport which made a mockery of he inefficiencies of a modern international airport.

Our accommodation for the night was the Mantaray Ningaloo Beach Resort. Perched on the beach on the edge of an upmarket housing estate that reminded me of an unfinished canal system, with similarities to Mandurah's waterways. I managed a short run in the ridiculously hot weather before dinner at Whalers Restaurant - which was pretty good.

An early start the next morning, with a good breakfast at the Exmouth bakery set us up for the morning. We headed north, onto the Yardie Creek Rd and stopped at the Vlaming Head Lighthouse for some photos. Having read up a little on the subject, I've learned that the town of Exmouth exists to support the Harold E Holt Communications Station. The station provides radio transmission capability to US Navy and Royal Australian Navy Ships and submarines and is the most powerful radio station of its kind in the southern hemisphere. Seeing it in person, reinforces by belief that everything in Australia just has to be massive. If you have the space, why not?

Harold E Holt Radio Comms Station

Ningaloo Lighthouse Holiday Park

Vlaming Head Lighthouse

We started our journey south, destination Carnarvon, but with a cheeky detour to Coral Bay on the way, which wasn't really much of a detour. This was a flying visit, but it's on my list to return to.

Next stop Carnarvon...