Tuesday last week I did something new! I went to the Ballet, the West Australian Ballet! I’ve never been to the ballet, never travelled in those circles and, maybe too immature to want to go. Irrespective I booked the mildly priced tickets for Five by Night held at City Beach Amphitheatre in the town of…Cambridge. Built in 1986, it’s an open air venue with a 19 by 13.5m sprung wooden stage and found in a limestone quarry.

The booking systems skews the amphitheatre seats making you think that you’d never see the stage from where you sit, once you get there you realise every seat is pretty damn good! By seat of course I mean allocated grass space, and by allocated I mean 52cm worth! Took a bit of effort to find a low beach chair that fit into that space!

The whole affair was really pleasant. Parking was a breeze with some sharp attendants, there was a small coffee shop that served some panini’s, bean things and pizzas (which are banned during bushfire season) and of course wine. Some seating was available, but it was easy enough eating in our allocated seats! With seating for 557 folks, the last 5 or so rows had actual seating whereas in the other rows you had to sort yourself out, so a lot of people brought beach chairs and had impromptu picnics.

I wont review the performance itself, but needless to say, it was pretty good. Five different performances, couples, groups and some sort of medley combining break-dancing and ballet. Two intervals and it was over, and I loved it. I’ll do that again. Company was great too.