Last week had too much time on my hands and felt the need to use my brand new wireless remote timing gizmo. I’ve had it for a while now, but it’s really only good for long exposures, so I went out in the evening in search of a cloudless night to take some long exposures of water, sky and moving lights. I took with me good friend Cyzie who also happens to be an avid photo taker. Former Nikon and now a Fuji owner, we've been on a fair few photo trips together.

It was cloudy, so we had to make do. Went to Woodman Point first. There was a bush fire there a week ago and though you couldn’t see the damage, you could smell it.

It wasn’t a great setting. We were at sea level, the water was at sea level, the subject was at sea level. I don’t really like the photo and it’s only there to illustrate that I was there! Lot’s of fishing going!

After that, a quick stop to Coogee beach was just as underwhelming. There’s a jetty there, two storeys above sea level, but flooded by the lamps that line it from shoreline to the jetty end. As you can see in the photo, the jetty lights just bled onto the beach.

I promise it gets better! After Coogee Beach, the next stop was Fremantle, more precisely the fishing harbour. I’ve cycled to Capo D’Orlando Drive before and found a quiet spot where you get to see the Little Creatures Brewing buildings and the Esplanade Ferris Wheel uninterrupted from the water side. Out of hours of course, during business hours I expect it plays a busy part of the fishing harbour! The location made for some great long exposure shots.

We managed to set up next to a family that had come to the pier for some family crabbing. They were loving it.

After the exotically named Capo D’Orlando Drive, we went in search of a good bridge to plant on for some light trails. Instead we settled on a car park that looked at a bridge.

It was pretty difficult to get any kind of good star photos, on account of all the foreground lights. Taking pictures of the bridges were great but there wasn’t much room to manoeuvre. Last stop was Point Walter Reserve after a cheeky Maccas. There was a surprising amount of artificial and ambient lighting here, plus my remote trigger decided to give up the ghost. Still, made do and came up with the following shots…