A friend of mine wanted to do a photo shoot with her horse in her paddock, but horses are terrible photographers, so she asked me. My first time officially photographing large animals. I’ve never successfully ridden a horse.

When I was younger, my parents took my sister and I to Czechoslovakia in the 1990s to a tennis centric castle shaped hotel which also happened to have horse riding. I was given the opportunity to ride a horse there but fell off more times than I was on. Thinking about it, equal times.

In Western Australia in 2015, all grown up and trying to impress my then girlfriend with my riding skills I treated her to a ride in the Margaret River countryside. I fell off twice in 10 mins, and chose to walk back, with a bruised lower back and ego. I even took a day off work!

I like horses, but they smell my fear and mock me for it. Perfect situation to use a telephoto zoom lens.