Taking advantage of a long weekend from work, I decided to travel back to busy Perth, so see some friends and of course, take some photos. An afternoon with my friend Jason, offered a opportunity for a bunch of different photos and even a video highlight reel.

Jason had spoken about taking forced perspective photos using his collection of toys and Legos, for some self experimentation but also to promoto his new accountancy business Rubix Finance, so our first stop was a building site in Wandi for some photos (but also, because neither of us had charged the drone batteries, we had to ‘waste’ a bit of time first).

Of course Jason and I are, these days amateur drone operators, so we left our desire to take handheld photos behind at the building site and travelled to Lake Coogee in Munster where we took our next bunch of aerial photos and videos.

After Munster we decided our next spot had to be by the water. Jason suggested Henderson Cliffs, with its humble lookout platform. No beach here, but a small car park and hardly any other folks made it a perfect spot.

We ended our day with a few drone flights at the Wandi Community centre where we had space to try out the new features. when I got home I used a couple of the DJI Templates to create a highlight reel. The templates are pretty good, as a way of show casing captured footage over 6 or so seconds. Impress your mother it does not. So, below are two videos, one from the template and the one I made for my mum, coming in at a much more generous 1mins with a much more relaxed pace! :)