I got my new remote shutter. I tried it out in Serpentine the other week, but having been ambushed by a gang of mosquitoes I didn’t find it very enjoyable, and as such the photos are kind of on the back burner. I’ll sort them out another day. In the mean time, I ventured to Kings Park last night and took some photos. I arrived and there were a hand full of folks and couples wandering about, but by the time I headed home it seemed completely empty, and also a blisteringly cool sixteen degrees!


I took a few photos behind the war memorial to capture some long exposure shots of the city and also zoomed in on some of the now nearly complete Elizabeth Quays.

I wandered round the corner and took some photos of the Narrows Bridge that connects the city with everything south of the river;

Finally as I walked back to the car, I set up some shots of the State Memorial whilst on Memorial Walk. Was good not have to deal with anyone there, plus lots of long exposures! Have to admit, some of these photos are shopped with multiple exposures!