In December I bought a brand new lens, the Canon RF 85mm f/2.0 IS Macro. That is 85mm, normally for portraits, with a bit of image stabilisation and a macro feature. Not a dedicated macro lens, but it does have the benefit of a fairly close focusing distance compared to most equivalent lenses.

I’ve never really owned a macro lens. But it’s the first thing I thought of when I came face-to-face with what I thought was a Huntsman spider in my pantry. The internet community quickly corrected me, and told me it was a Wolf Spider.

I put the Wolf Spider into a red Tupperware container and placed it in the bath, but stopped short of filling it with water. I figured the almost texture free walls of the container would be enough to prevent escape. Once I was done I gently encouraged the spider into the rear yard, and when he wouldn’t immediately leave, I sneaked one last photo in his territory. I didn’t stay long. This city slicker has limits!

I went away for the weekend, and on my return, found what I thought was a dead scorpion in the middle of the kitchen floor. Except it wasn’t dead, it was just sleeping! It was a bloody quick mover, but I still managed to trap it. Building on my previous experience, in the red container it went! Still not using the moat though…

I did my research, a scorpion sting is not fatal, but it apparently bloody well hurts! It’s a ‘Spider-Hunting Scorpion’ and can grow to about 5.5cm. My house is much more spider than it is scorpion friendly, so this catch and release was flung far into the wild, followed by a sprint back into the house! I’ll end this blog post by saying, look at his pervy little face! :p