About 2.5hrs north of Kalgoorlie is the outback town of Leonora. We travelled up here after visiting nearby Menzies and Lake Ballard. The attraction in visiting Leonora was actually to visit the nearby Ghost Town of Gwalia.

We had a quick bite for lunch and then continued South West towards the Ghost Town. Honestly, I didn't even notice it and then we reached the end of the road at the museum and mine lookout.

Gwalia, with the Mining Company that's taken over the green roof on the left. Old hotel with the red roof.

At the top of the hill was the Gwalia Museum. Free entry, with a fairly modern presentation of the town history and background information of the residents that lived here. Plenty of mining information too, and at the far end of the site is the Gwalia B&B.

There's plenty of information about the Gwalia Goldmine at the museum, including information about it's welsh owners and its links to the co-owner Herbert Hoover who subsequently became the 31st President of the US. This mine is owned by a company that also runs a mine in Marvel Loch, and was formerly the now liquidated mining company Sons of Gwalia. Which I used to think was the name of a cult...but now I know!

After all that we drove down to the ghost town and had a look around.

That telecomms tower doesn't ruin the illusion at all...

So, the town is free to wander around. Most of the buildings are open to walk through with some of them sporting information boards and some even containing the odd piece of contextual furniture. It was all a bit gloomy, but actually kept quite tidy and most visitors will be happy at the lack of cobwebs...strange for a ghost town. Also, no ghosts.

...and some horizontal shots.