Just like the Cambridge Photo Day, a trip to London had to be done, and taking along a photo enthusiast like Alex made for some pretty trigger happy photo taking, plus a lot of steps taken!

This is going to be a long post!

Early start, straight to Cambridge Station where my travel companion Alex met up with me, onto the train and already it dawned on us that the days was going to be pretty miserable. Still, we persevered! Straight into King’s Cross, then some wandering near the Whitehall buildings, but the rain made it difficult to take photos.

Lunch at Garfunkel’s, I think we sold it to ourselves that it was a nostalgia trip. It wasn’t very fascinating, but still better than sitting out in the rain.

After lunch we went back to watch the changing of the horse guards and did manage to find some shelter for photos.

We walked down onto Westminster Bridge, passed Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey.

We walked along The Queens Walk (I checked the map for the name, but it’s the waterfront with the London Eye and Sea Life Centre on it) and walked along it until we passed the Tate and the Millennium Bridge.

Once we walked onto the Millennium Bridge, which was packed (didn’t allow for much in the way of photos), we realised how horrendous the weather was out in the open, and got soaked. Heading towards St Paul’s cathedral, we saw some children chasing giant bubbles. The other day I saw my friend tame her child with bubbles. That stuff is like crack to them. Just be prepared for the whirlwind when you take it away from them.

The weather let up and we were rewarded with a muggy, dull warmth. Can’t have it all.

Covent Gardens for a Crepe stop. Nutella , strawberries, white chocolate and Cream….Phlrgmmm nom.

Pondering around London we passed the Trocadero (I remember visiting here when Sega World was a thing back in the late 90s – first time i dabbled in the VR headset phenomenon) and then Trafalgar Square, which has been invaded by floating Yodas. Weird floating Yodas.

Onto Piccadilly Circus for colours and weird things, then onto China Town for more colours and chicken claw.

A few random stops before we took the tube back to Kings Cross, whee we had a delicious dinner at the German Gymnasium. Alex said he had the best burger and I had some excellent Weisswurst. Also delicious except the photo i took of it made it look like penis. The world is not ready for this photo, so i’ll leave you with more colours and happy subway guy.