On our first day out of our new Margaret River base I managed to convince Louise to accompany me on a secret mission to Nannup. Secret because only half of the couple knew. For the purpose of creating a personal gift to some friends of mine for their wedding day. They'd moved recently to Nannup and after seeing some of their photos I thought it'd be nice to gift them a Nannup sunrise canvas for their new home. I'm not a fan of wedding gift lists and prefer something with the personal touch they'll keep for longer than the lifespan of a toaster.

We secretly arrived at just before 7am, trying to time it before the sun came up, but also having never been to this spot before allowing myself a measly 15mins to scout a good spot. Many test shots were taken.

Luckily I had a lot to work with. The property is located in a slight valley, bordered at the far side with a line of tree plus a handful of larger trees in the middle. Obligatory lake, fencing, horses, birds, morning fog and gangs of kangaroos in the distance.

Now I like horses, but they smell my fear so on this occasion I stayed behind the electric fence line. One horse in particular was a little bit too curios and kept photo bombing the foreground. The downside is, the photos had quite a crop to get rid of dead space in the foreground, but I was happy with the result. I narrow the shots down to 15 candidates and shared them with the groom, who picked the same three favourite I did. Hopefully they will enjoy the final one I've put on Canvas. Because the photo is a gift I won't be posting the photo on here, that way, it will be a unique print. But one of my favourites is below;

After the photos we had a quick breakfast at nearby Melo Velo. A cycle shop and cafe combination it seemed oddly located at first, but after seeing the number of cyclists that pass, especially at weekend, it made much more sense.

After Breakfast we drove to Balingup. Home of the Golden Valley Tree walk. Now, I love a good forest walk, but I was torn at this one. We arrived in the street it was on and started walking. Along the walk it was evident that the piles of rocks were to guide us on the tour, except I just felt like just another forest. It was nice, but nothing I would go out of my way to travel to.

We continued on the same road at the end of the walk and then it dawned on us. We'd just completed the Australian Trees walk. Now we had stumbled across the rest! This was more like it, colours!

That evening we were kindly invite by the bride to come to Nannup for an outdoor BBQ under the milky way. It's quite breathtaking to be in a spot with little to no light pollution where the milky way is visible with the naked eye. We also had to try our best to pretend that it was our first time at the property. I think we pulled it off.

Note: It's July, present has been handed over and it was a success!