Back in 2017, pre-covid, there was an annual event in Perth called Open House. Every year, a number of public, commercial and private buildings would open to us ordinary folks for the weekend, either by payment, appointment or turning up. I mention 2017 because that's the last time I took part, but I'm sure its been running for a lot longer.

Back then I visited the QV1 building, Channel 9 Newsroom, the Western Australia Ballet Company, some private homes.

The view from QV1

Channel 9 'News'

Wallet Ballet

Today was just the one place - Government House. Operating base of the Governor of Western Australia Chris Dawson, who also happens to be the former Commissioner of Police. Entry was free, but ticket booking was required to secure a time slot.

The queue for the tour was pretty long on the way in, so we were ushered into the ballroom.

After that the tour started, except it wasn't a tour. We were afforded a short introduction in the first room and then were left to our own devices, to explore the remaining rooms.