At the end of November i convinced my friend Louise to accompany me on a walk in Perth to check out the many art murals. I've done this once before using the fantastic Street Art Map. It's a map that overlays onto google maps, giving locations of all murals and sculptures and in most cases even provides a bit of extra information about the piece and also who the creator is.

We parked at Roe Street car park and first kept to familiar ground. Northbridge, china town, then to the Heath Ledger Threatre, a first time for me. No shows, but the interior was pretty interesting. Being that it is the designated christmas commercial period there was a huge christmas tree bauble by the entrance, but during the day without any lights it wasn't very exciting.

Perth's Heath Ledger Theatre

We headed north on William St to uncharted territory, where I saw a bunch of murals, I've only ever seen in passing.

On the North Metro TAFE building, "Memory of the Land" by AEC, "Migration" by Ever, and one other I couldn't find the artist for were very impressive.

Next to St John's Church centre was the "Baba Yaga's House" sculpture by Marwa Fahmy. Abstract, but I like it. I just hope John Wick likes it too.

At the east end of the North Metro TAFE building are "Self Protection of the immigrant in Ourself" by Pixel Pancho and "MC Hunter" by E.L.K, the latter being a tribute to local Hip Hop rapper Robert Hunter who passed in 2011 after loosing his battle with Cancer.

Back to familiar ground, we walked along Wolf Lane. I took a bunch of photos on my last walk here, and they're oldies but goodies.

There are so many more, my walks don't even come close to seeing them all. On a sadder note, some of the ones from the last walk in 2015 aren't there anymore, on account of the car park they were visible from now being a brand new building. The residents of this new apartment building will probably see them, but us ground level dweller are going to miss out for now.