Recently I decided I needed a low effort holiday. My solution was a short break in Perth, staying in a boutique hotel and being kind of touristy with my time. I planned for four nights in the incredibly well located Alex Hotel. The price was indicative of the location, because what I lost was a decent balcony view, a proper restaurant and a wardrobe (or anything for clothing storage, who needs that anyway). By contrast though, there was a rooftop terrace (no bar or anything that may complement a rooftop terrace) with a decent view.

On my first morning, Louise and I took part in a Oh Hey WA walking tour. It’s my first touristy thing I’ve done since taking the sightseeing tour bus with my parents 6 years ago. I didn’t take a camera with me and just enjoyed the walk. That afternoon though, I tried to retrace some of the walk with my camera and took some photos of familiar and new places.

One of the themes in a familiar city I always like to revisit is adjusting my eye level to view the buildings above the ground floor, and Perth is no exception in having a whole different personality on the first floor.

I managed to revisit older murals and also find a few newer ones, commissioned more recently.

Towards the evening I started heading towards Elizabeth Quay, always a good spot for sunset photos, but stopped via some of the building we’d walked past and discussed on the walking tour. First was the town hall, which I’ve seen many times but never recognised as being the town hall, then St George’s Cathedral, which I have recognised as a cathedral, but never really paid much interest in.

I had a quick peek into the Governors Gardens, and didn’t realise until a couple of days later that it does open up to the public. I walked towards the river, intending on getting a few sunset photos at Elizabeth Quay (mandatory for any walk around Perth with camera in hand).

By the time the sun went down, it was bloody cold, so I quick marched back to the hotel via ONE arty dark alleyway.