The last time I tried to get to Quinninup Falls was on a whim, uninformed and resulted in complete failure. It was on the last South West road trip, I didn’t really know where the access point was and ended up driving through bush a little too far for comfort.

Quinninup Falls is basically a waterfall a few metres in height, on the west coast of the Margaret River Region and a small detour on the Cape2Cape hike that stretches at the north from Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse and to the south to the Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse.

This time though, with some light rain on the cards we decided to walk to the falls. Access was via the Moses Rock Carpark. We parked up and started walking. The car park itself looks down onto the water, with easy access down to the shore.

The Route

The route according to the Garmin trip, starting from the car park at the south and the falls on the north east section. You can see the Cape to cape track on either side of our walk.

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Heading north on the track was pretty easy. A mix of gravel, boardwalk and sand changed the pace at each section. There were some great views, but that sand section was a little annoying. The trick is to get someone to walk ahead and compact the sand for you!

We did have to walk through a little sprinkley rain, but the extra rain over the past few days didn’t really do much for the falls themselves. It was no postcard moment, but still lovely!

Overcast weather required a mild sky alteration on this HDR image.

It was a great walk. Wet, windy, sandy but still great, plus a chance to welcome O to the gang, who was donning the blue raincoat. My blue raincoat. :p