Whilst in the UK, myself and the extended fam decided to spend about a week in Norfolk, or for non UK residents, the sticky out bit on the bottom right hand side of the island.

We ended up staying in a place called Thornham, but on the way up we passed the Sandringham estate and discussed coming back on one of our days out.

Sandringham Estate

In short, Sandringham Estate was the late Queen Elizabeth's holiday home, now passed on to her son King Charles III. It's a wonderful spot, and we spent a good half day, exploring the gardens, the chapel and even getting a tour in the house itself, though as per usual, no photos allowed inside the house, so here is a collection of photos from everything except.

We parked up and first stop was at the St. Mary Magdalene Church

The rest of the photos I took in the ground around (but not in) Sandringham House.