Last Year I climbed the three 'hills' with William, the year before with Rebecca. This year I tried to hike it earlier in the year and had to abort. I don't want to talk about it... but we had to complete it, so today Jason and I ventured there at a leisurely 11am. Being winter, it is wise to wait until the temperature warms to a much nicer 20 degrees.

I'd like to think I'm a bit of a veteran when it comes to this hike. One thing that's never happened before is hiking on a weekend and actually coming across more than just a lone hiker.

Needless to say, we wandered up Sullivan's Rock, up and over Mount Vincent, Mount Cuthbert and across the Mount Cuthbert Slabs. There is always the option of continuing out the other side and rejoining the 4wd track to loop back tot he start, but being that the track in question is incredibly boring and flat, we turned round and did the route in reverse.

Photos were taken, 9km of hiking, 1000 calories, just under 3 hours and 480m climbed. A good hike.