In November 2016, as part of the regular demands of Rebecca to go hiking and to go somewhere challenging, we went hiking. We ran out of ideas and inevitably settled on one we’ve already completed. Though Rebecca didn’t believe me until after we’d walked it.

Walyunga National Park and more specifically the Echidna trail is an 11 km loop starting at Boongarup Pool. We made it extra challenging, and by challenging I mean extending the walk in the scorching hot weather by another 

The park is part of the Avon valley and Swan river partnership. Not a business, but a nature partnership.

All in all, aside from the persistent sand flies – that love me more than they do Rebecca, the scorching sun, the intense climbs and less rewarding descents, it was still bloody good.

Once we managed to get some elevation, we were afforded a lot of great views of the valley below, the river and the train track that ran through it. I kept stopping to take photos. For photos, not because it was a tough climb.

We saw kangaroos, lizard things, a C17 Globemaster, scary muscly kangaroos. The usual hiking scenery.

As we passed the north section, there was a lookout tower, for the ranger presumably, and the terrain became a non-stop downward path. I guess it was the reward for the first half being entirely uphill. I hear that’s how hills work! As we neared the end, there was a grimy lake and then the Kangaroo Trail. The Kangaroo Trail was pretty straight forward, more of a top up if you wish. It led us past the Walyunga Pool area, where some kayakers/canoeist had gathered. As we walked back to the car we did notice how low the water levels had gotten.

After the great hike I managed to convince Rebecca that lunch would be a better idea than another 20 km hike. We drove to the Mandoon Estate. We’ve been before if only for the wine tasting, but this time we were intent on staying for food. I decided to treat myself to the dry aged sirloin. It was good, but I don’t think it was $39 good.

After lunch we popped into the nougat place, the chocolate place. Got our mandatory swan valley free tasters, and then popped over to my favourite Swan location, Yahava Koffeworks. Rebecca and I took part in a coffee tasting session where after a view tastes I was able to confirm that I still don’t like coffee. I like iced coffee though. I learned a lot about myself. Boom!