So, the other week Louise and I decided to head to the Margaret River Region for a couple of weeks after we chickened out of our Cairns trip (what with the sporadic lockdowns we’ve had between us and the eastern states).

Every year in May, is the start of Whale watching season, that is, when the Whales start to migrate up and down the Western Australia Coastline. We picked a company called Legendary Charters (but really most of the company appear to be vendors for the one company that actually runs the tour), in fact when we arrived although we were on the list there was no sign of the company name we had booked with.

Start was at the Augusta Boat Harbour, tour set off at 10am at $AUD90 per person. The customers were a bit of a mix, but mostly families and awkward couples.

The charter was a two story deal, with front an rear viewing areas at the lower level and rear and sides for the upper deck. We managed to hog the front right in the corner and monopolised a lot of the sightings. Speaking of which, it didn’t take long to see some action.

The temptation is to run around the boat every time there’s a sighting, but in reality the once we were out at sea, I expect the boat serpentines along with any whale pods we saw. Yes, a gaggle of whales is a pod.

Being that we had launched from Augusta, quite a few of the views included the Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse at the most south westerly point of the Australian continent.

I’ll dump a bunch of photos below from the entire trip including a few shots that caught the rising moon. Fortunately there were plenty of tail shots, but really only ever saw the top side. Still a great experience and a small price to pay.

At the end of the trip, as we started back to the port, a pod of dolphins joined the boat and swam ahead of us all the way back.